Tenant Resolution

Tenant resolution is a big part of multitenancy, as it's the part that handles the identification and loading of the current tenant. Sprout comes with a number of different options for how to go about this.

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Tenant resolution is the process of determining the current tenant, and then resolving it before setting it as the actual current tenant. Within Sprout, there are two paths for tenant resolution, identifying, and loading.

Identifying Tenants

Tenant identification is a process that uses the tenant identifier to identify the tenant. This is the automated process that makes sure that the correct tenant is available when processing your routes. To achieve this, an identity resolver is used, which is a class that is responsible for extracting a tenants' identifier from an incoming HTTP request. These resolvers are configured using the multitenancy.resolvers configuration option. These classes also know how to configure a route to make the best use of themselves.

Tenant Routes

Your multitenanted application will have routes that require a current tenant, which is what we refer to as tenant routes, because they belong to the tenant. There are two ways to define tenant routes, but both allow you to set two optional parameters, which follow the same rules as middleware parameters.

Automatic Routes

The best way to define tenant routes is using the router macro that's used in the installation guide. These routes are defined like this.

1// Default
2Route::tenanted(function () {
3 // Tenant Routes
6// Default tenancy, manual resolver
7Route::tenanted(function () {
8 // Tenant Routes
9}, 'subdomain');
11// Default resolver, manual tenancy
12Route::tenanted(function () {
13 // Tenant Routes
14}, null, 'tenants');
16// Manual resolver, manual tenancy
17Route::tenanted(function () {
18 // Tenant Routes
19}, 'subdomain', 'tenants');

Manual Routes

Sometimes you need to manually specify a route as being tenanted, and in those cases all you need is the sprout. tenanted middleware, which is an alias for Sprout\Http\Middleware\SproutTenantContextMiddleware. You can provide the middleware like this.

1// Default
2Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted'])->get('/', '');
4// Default tenancy, manual resolver
5Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted:subdomain'])->get('/', '');
7// Default resolver, manual tenancy
8Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted:,tenants'])->get('/', '');
10// Manual resolver, manual tenancy
11Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted:subdomain,tenants'])->get('/', '');

Available Identity Resolvers




Loading Tenants