Tenant Resolution
Tenant resolution is the process of determining the current tenant, and then resolving it before setting it as the actual current tenant. Within Sprout, there are two paths for tenant resolution, identifying, and loading.
Tenant Identification
Tenant identification is a process that uses the tenant identifier to identify the
This is the automated process that makes sure that the correct tenant is available when processing your routes.
To achieve this, an identity resolver is used,
which is a class that is responsible for extracting a tenants'
identifier from an incoming HTTP request.
These resolvers are configured using the multitenancy.resolvers
These classes also know how to configure a route to make the best use of themselves.
Tenant Routes
Your multitenanted application will have routes that require a current tenant, which is what we refer to as tenant routes, because they belong to the tenant. There are two ways to define tenant routes, but both allow you to set two optional parameters, which follow the same rules as middleware parameters.
- The resolver — The name of a resolver registered in the
config. - The tenancy — The name of a tenancy registered in the
Automatic Routes
The best way to define tenant routes is using the router macro that's used in the installation guide. This is the preferred way to define your routes, as some of the identity resolvers are capable of making use of route parameters, and this approach will make sure those parameters are defined on the routes. Without these parameters, there can be a number of issues and side effects that can make creating URLs and serving non-tenanted routes difficult, amongst other things.
1// Default 2Route::tenanted(function () { 3 // Tenant Routes 4}); 5 6// Default tenancy, manual resolver 7Route::tenanted(function () { 8 // Tenant Routes 9}, 'subdomain');10 11// Default resolver, manual tenancy12Route::tenanted(function () {13 // Tenant Routes14}, null, 'tenants');15 16// Manual resolver, manual tenancy17Route::tenanted(function () {18 // Tenant Routes19}, 'subdomain', 'tenants');
You can wrap your usage of this macro in as many route groups as you want, though some options will be overwritten by some identity resolvers.
Manual Routes
Sometimes you need to manually specify a route as being tenanted, and in those cases all you need is the sprout. tenanted
middleware, which is an alias for Sprout\Http\Middleware\SproutTenantContextMiddleware
You can use either the alias, or the full middleware class name, but as mentioned above, manually providing the
tenant route middleware can have knock-on side effects, particularly with resolvers that use route parameters.
1// Default 2Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted'])->get('/', ''); 3 4// Default tenancy, manual resolver 5Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted:subdomain'])->get('/', ''); 6 7// Default resolver, manual tenancy 8Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted:,tenants'])->get('/', ''); 9 10// Manual resolver, manual tenancy11Route::middleware(['sprout.tenanted:subdomain,tenants'])->get('/', '');
Generating URLs
When defining your tenant routes, it is recommended that you use
named routes
so that generating URLs for them is easy.
If you're using a parameter-based identity resolver, and you have a current
tenant that has been identified using that resolver, the parameters will be automatically populated, so you can use
without needing to specify it.
If you are generating the URL from somewhere outside the multitenanted context, as in, there's no tenant, or for a route
that uses a different identity provider; the normal approach won't work.
Rather than providing the parameter yourself, however, there's a Sprout method just for this, that can be accessed
using the Sprout
facade, or the sprout()
helper method.
1Sprout\Facades\Sprout::route('my.route.name', $tenant);2 3sprout()->route('my.route.name', $tenant);
This method has the same arguments as Laravels route()
helper, but with a couple of extras to deal with possible
You can see the method and its signature
here, and this is a brief breakdown of
those available.
- The name of the route. Should be astring
and is required.tenant
- The tenant you're generating the URL for. Should be an instance of theSprout\Contracts\Tenant
interface, and is required.resolver
- The registered name of the resolver to use. Can be astring
, ornull
, optional and defaults tonull
- The registered name of the tenancy to use. Can bestring
, ornull
, optional and defaults tonull
- An array of parameter values to use when generating the URL. Optional and shouldn't include the tenant parameters.absolute
- Whether to generate an absolute URL (including the domain). Should be abool
, and is optional and will default totrue
If no name is provided for tenancy
, the default will be used.
If there's no name provided for resolver
, it will try and use the resolver used to identify the current tenant, if
available, and if not, it'll use the default one.
Resolution Hooks
Sprout supports two different places within a requests' lifecycle where tenant identification can occur, with provisions
for a third in the future.
These two places are both within the routing part of the applications' lifecycle, and you can enable or disable either
using the sprout.core.hooks
config option.
The first is at the beginning of the routing phase, right after a route is matched. If the identification happens here, the tenant will be available for dependency injection within the entire middleware stack, in case you have some that requires a tenant.
The second is during the running of the middleware, which will make the tenant available for the controller/route handler, but not for other middleware constructors. If you want the tenant to be available when other pieces of middleware are run, you'll need to make sure that the identification middleware has a higher priority than the others.
Parameter-based Identity Resolvers
Parameter-based identity resolvers are identity resolvers that can make use of Laravel's route parameters functionality. These resolvers are all capable of handling routes that don't have the tenant parameters, but when using the automatic routes approach, they'll make sure the route is configured with them.
All first-party identity resolvers provided by Sprout, whether in the core package or an addon, that work with route parameters allow you to control the name of the parameter, and the pattern used to match it.
Parameter Naming
By default, all route parameters are named using the registered name of the tenancy from
, and the registered name of the resolver from
Since the default tenancy is called tenants
, and the default resolver is called subdomain
, the route parameter
would be named tenants_subdomain
To change this, all you need to do is provide the parameter
config option when defining the resolver.
If you don't provide this value, or leave it empty, the value {tenancy}_{resolver}
will be used.
The {tenancy}
and {resolver}
parts are placeholders, which are replaced when the route is defined.
Each of these placeholders has three different forms for different cases.
— All lowercase, e.g.tenants
— First letter uppercased, e.g.Tenants
— All uppercase, e.g.TENANTS
1'subdomain' => [2 'driver' => 'subdomain',3 'domain' => env('TENANTED_DOMAIN'),4 'parameter' => '{tenancy}_{resolver}'5],
Some of the identity resolvers that don't make use of route parameters still make use of the same functionality, allowing you to provide a name with dynamic values through the placeholders.
Parameter Pattern
Laravel's routing allows you to provide a
regular expression constraint
for a route parameter, which Sprout will let you do using the pattern
option when configuring the resolver.
The value you provide must be a valid constraint as defined within Laravel.
If you wish to use the default pattern, you can set this value to null
, to remove the option from the config entirely.
1'subdomain' => [2 'driver' => 'subdomain',3 'domain' => env('TENANTED_DOMAIN'),4 'pattern' => '.*'5],
Available Identity Resolvers
Out-of-the-box Sprout comes with five easy to use identity resolvers, each of which covers one of the common approaches to multitenancy. While every step has been taken to make these resolvers easy to use, and easy to implement, some of them may have restrictions and limitations for one of two reasons.
- The method or concepts they use are simply not compatible with some others because of how the web works.
- It is limited by the functionality and features provided by Laravel.
There are few restrictions and limitations within Sprout in general, and in some cases I've gone as far as to PR changes to Laravel to make things easier, but there is still a handful that cannot be avoided. Any of the identity resolvers that have these restrictions or limitations will state them in their section below.
The subdomain identity resolver allows you to provide your tenant identifier as the subdomain component of the requests'
hostname, which is one of the most recognisable forms of multitenancy.
Sprout comes with this resolver already configured, but if you wish to configure your own, you need to set the driver to
, and provide a domain using the domain
The domain is used to construct the route, making sure that the route is only accessible from subdomains of that domain.
This is also a parameter-based identity resolver,
so you can use the pattern
and parameter
options too.
1'subdomain' => [2 'driver' => 'subdomain',3 'domain' => env('TENANTED_DOMAIN'),4 'parameter' => '{tenancy}_{resolver}',5 'pattern' => '.*'6],
Because of how this identity resolver works, when defining your tenant routes using the automatic approach, if you define the routes in a group that has a domain provided, it will be overwritten by the resolver.
When using the subdomain resolver with an application that has non-tenanted routes, it is very highly recommended that you wrap your non-tenanted routes in a route group that specifies the domain. If you don't do this, all the non-tenanted routes will be accessible under the tenants' subdomain, without identification taking place.
The header identity resolver allows you to provide your tenant identifier as a header within the request, which
would typically be used in something like an API.
Sprout comes with this resolver already configured, but if you wish to configure your own, you need to set the driver to
You can also customise the header name using the header
option, which, although the resolver isn't
parameter-based, it uses the same functionality for its naming.
The default value for header
is {Tenancy}-Identifier
1'header' => [2 'driver' => 'header',3 'header' => '{Tenancy}-Identifier',4],
When defining tenant routes that use this resolver, there are no restrictions on the routing options you can use. The only thing to note is that this resolver is not suitable for routes that need to be accessed in a browser, as you cannot generate a link that includes a header.
All responses from requests that make use of this identity resolver will have the header attached, allowing you to see the identifier for the tenant that handled the request.
The path identity resolver allows you to provide your tenant identifier as a path segment within the request URI.
Sprout comes with this resolver already configured, but if you wish to configure your own, you need to set the driver to
If you're using the manual approach to tenant routes, you should provide the segment
config option,
if the identifier appears anywhere, but the first path segment, as this defaults to 1
This is also a parameter-based identity resolver,
so you can use the pattern
and parameter
options too.
1'path' => [2 'driver' => 'path',3 'segment' => 1,4 'parameter' => '{tenancy}_{resolver}',5 'pattern' => '.*'6],
The segment
option has no effect if you're only ever using the automatic approach to
tenant routes, as it'll use parameters and inherit any path prefixes.
The cookie identity resolver allows you to provide the tenant identifier in a cookie that's present on the request.
Sprout comes with the resolver already configured, but if you wish to configure your own, you need to set the driver to
You can also control the name of the cookie using the cookie
config option, which defaults to {Tenancy}-Identifier
and allows for the same placeholder approach as parameters.
Because this identity resolver deals with cookies, which are a form of state, it will also set the tenant cookie
once a tenant becomes the current one.
This ensures that the cookie is passed in the response, but also that any existing cookies are updated.
If you want to control the options used to set this cookie, you can provide options
config option,
which should be an array, and can contain minutes
, path
, domain
, secure
, http_only
and same_site
the same mentioned in Laravel's documentation.
All but the minutes
option are overrides for the values of the same name in the session config, which
will be used by default.
These values are all optional.
1'cookie' => [ 2 'driver' => 'cookie', 3 'cookie' => '{Tenancy}-Identifier', 4 'options' => [ 5 'minutes' => 43800, 6 'path' => '/tenants/', 7 'domain' => 'localhost', 8 'secure' => false, 9 'http_only' => true,10 'same_site' => 'lax'11 ],12],
Because of how Laravel handles cookies, it is not possible to use this identity resolver, and the cookie service override. If using this resolver, with the service override enabled, an exception will be thrown during Laravel's boot phase.
The session identity resolver allows you to identify tenants using a value stored within the session.
Sprout comes with the resolver already configured, but if you wish to configure your own, you need to set the driver
to session
You can also set the session key used, using the session
config option, which allows for the same placeholder usage
as parameters, and can also use dot notation.
The default for this is multitenancy.{tenancy}
1'session' => [2 'driver' => 'session',3 'session' => 'multitenancy.{tenancy}'4]
Because of how Laravel handles sessions, it is not possible to use this identity resolver, and the session service override. If using this resolver, with the service override enabled, an exception will be thrown during Laravel's boot phase.
Middleware Only
This is the only core identity resolver that cannot make use of all possible places where tenant identification can
take place.
Because sessions are not present on the request until the StartSession
middleware has been run, it must happen during
the middleware phase.
While not strictly necessary, it's recommended that you set the Sprout middleware to come after StartSession
middleware priority, which be done in the bootstrap/app.php
1return Application::configure(basePath: dirname(__DIR__))2 ->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {3 $middleware->appendToPriorityList(4 Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class,5 Sprout\Http\Middleware\SproutTenantContextMiddleware::class6 );7 });
It is extremely important that you only do this if you're using the session resolver, otherwise this will cause issues with the session service override, as well as other parts of both Laravel and Sprout.
Tenant Loading
Tenant loading is the other side of tenant identification, and makes use of the tenant key rather than the identifier. It's also far, far simpler than identification, as it only happens internally and automatically. There are no specific features, drivers or settings that are needed to make use of this; it'll just work.